Haniyeh's killing amplifies Palestinian cause, Muslim bloc chair says

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2024-08-07 20:07:20

Keir Starmer condemns 'far-right thuggery' after another day of violence

The prime minister says people have a right to be safe and yet we've seen "Muslim communities targeted... Nazi salutes in the street".
2024-08-04 22:07:41

Election fallout: deep shifts in Muslim and Jewish voting

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2024-07-07 03:06:26

Election fallout: deep shifts in Muslim and Jewish voting

In the 2024 UK general election, Labour suffered some surprise seat losses over its stance on Gaza.
2024-07-07 03:06:22

Pro-Gaza candidates squeeze Labour vote in Muslim areas

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2024-07-05 12:08:14

More Than 1,300 Muslim Pilgrims Die From Extreme Heat

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2024-06-25 15:08:51

14 die in extreme heat during Muslim Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia

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2024-06-16 23:07:40

Germany bans local Salafist Muslim group with large internet reach

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2024-06-12 14:09:57

Labour must rebuild trust with Muslim voters, says senior MP

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2024-05-04 16:08:28

Labour says it must rebuild trust with Muslim voters

The party's Gaza stance appears to have dented its support in Muslim areas at the local elections.
2024-05-04 14:08:05

Sweden Quran burning: Iran won't send ambassador to Stockholm over incident

Many Muslim countries have summoned Swedish ambassadors to express their condemnation for the act.
2023-07-02 19:14:24

Denmark plans jail term for burning Quran in public

Ministers propose the ban after a series of Quran burnings led to uproar in Muslim countries.
2023-08-25 22:31:43

Sweden Quran burning sparks anger across Muslim world

A protester set several pages of the holy Muslim text alight at a protest in Stockholm on Wednesday.
2023-06-29 15:12:55

France to ban female students from wearing abayas in state schools

The education minister says female Muslim students will not be allowed to wear the loose-fitting robe.
2023-08-28 01:19:06

Protesters storm Swedish embassy in Iraq over Quran burning plan

Iraqi security forces dispersed hundreds of demonstrators who stormed the main gates of the Swedish embassy in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, in response to police in Stockholm sanctioning another planned burning of the Muslim holy book, the Quran.
2023-07-21 17:13:49

The war has forced Israel's Arab citizens to explain that no, they are not Hamas

When 20-year-old Aya Najame, an Arab Muslim, was a little girl growing up in the northern Israeli port city of Haifa, she would go on cultural exchange trips to Jewish schools to learn about the Jewish way of life. Jewish children would do the same, visiting Najame's school to learn about her life.
2023-10-21 07:07:17

Tetőfokukra hágtak az indulatok Jeruzsálemben, robbanásközeli a helyzet

Az izraeli erők megakadályozták a muszlim hívők belépését a jeruzsálemi Al-Aksza mecsetbe és bántalmazták őket a Ramadán hónapjának első éjszakáján - közölte a Middle East Eye.
2024-03-12 11:07:55

Barack Obama: Row in India over former US president's remarks on Muslim rights

Mr Obama said last week that India may "start pulling apart" if minority rights weren't protected.
2023-06-26 14:16:50

Sweden Quran burning sparks anger across Muslim world

Post Content
2023-06-29 15:13:00

Boy, 6, killed in anti-Muslim attack, say US police

Police in Illinois link the killing of a boy and injuries to a woman to the ongoing Israel-Gaza war.
2023-10-16 02:06:14

Joseph Czuba: No bail for suspect in killing of Muslim boy in Illinois

Six-year-old Wadea Al-Fayoume will be laid to rest in Illinois on Monday, a day after he was fatally stabbed.
2023-10-16 20:08:09

Wadea al-Fayoume: Last words of knifed US Muslim boy were 'Mom, I'm fine'

Wadea al-Fayoume was laid to rest in a Chicago suburb as the family's landlord was charged with murder.
2023-10-17 05:07:02

Muslim students at University of Connecticut received threats over Israel-Gaza war

Containing violent language and racial slurs, the threats are another example of campus tensions.
2023-11-09 22:07:09

Jury hears Canadian man who killed Muslim family was on drugs

Nathaniel Veltman has pleaded not guilty to the murders, arguing he was in a "dreamlike state".
2023-11-15 03:06:43

Canadian man guilty of Muslim family's murders in Ontario

Four members of the Afzaal family died after they were deliberately run over with a truck in Ontario.
2023-11-16 21:07:49

Muslim student loses school prayer ban challenge

Michaela School was challenged at the High Court over a policy allegedly amounting to a prayer ban.
2024-04-16 12:09:20

'Invisible in our own country': Being Muslim in Modi's India

Since Narendra Modi's BJP took power in 2014, India's 200 million Muslims have faced turmoil.
2024-04-29 02:06:41


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